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Tackling Wyoming’s Biggest Issues


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Leadership & Civility

We need strong leaders who can bring back civility and foster collaboration in the legislature. Despite having a majority, Republicans are often bogged down by minor details and internal conflicts. We deserve better.

Leading With Conservative Values

As a lifelong conservative Republican raised in Wyoming, Rob understands the deep-rooted values that make Wyoming unique. Rob will be a dedicated leader who will fight for Wyoming’s values.

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Protect Our Core Industries

As an energy-rich state, we must vigorously protect our core industries and assert Wyoming's primacy. Coal, oil, and natural gas are vital to Wyoming’s economy, providing essential jobs, significant state revenue, and a strong foundation for our energy independence. While we explore new and more efficient ways to utilize these resources, we can also allow for alternative energy sources but not at the expense of our legacy industries.

Protecting Our Core Industries

The success of our economy heavily relies on our coal, oil, and natural gas industries. Rob will fight to protect our distribution of natural resources, as well as the jobs, revenue, foundation, and energy independence they provide.

A Better Future

Economic diversification is crucial. We need to continue improving opportunities for our existing businesses, attract new opportunities in areas such as technology and manufacturing, and provide training and education for our youth. This will help them secure jobs and build their futures here in our great state.

Under Biden’s lack of leadership, every state is now a border state. Rob will support efforts to fully fund and equip our law enforcement, assist other states in protecting our border, and keep our families safe from crime, drugs, and trafficking.

Fighting Illegal Immigration

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